Melissa & Chris Bruntlett

Melissa and Chris Bruntlett are Canadian authors and urban mobility advocates who strive to communicate the benefits of sustainable transport and inspire happier, healthier, more human-scale cities. Their first book, Building the Cycling City: The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality, explored the decisions that established the Netherlands as a bicycle paradise, and how communities are translating these ideas to build their own cycling cities. Now based in Delft, the Netherlands, Melissa works with Royal HaskoningDHV—a global consulting engineering company—supporting the promotion of Dutch transport knowledge, policy, and design principles in countries across Europe and North America. As Communication Manager for the Dutch Cycling Embassy, Chris uses his knowledge and passion to share practical lessons for global cities wishing to learn from the Netherlands’ extraordinary success. Their second book, Curbing Traffic: The Human Case for Fewer Cars in Our Lives, was published by Island Press in June 2021.

Sessie 13:40 - 16:10 Onthaal

Fietsexcursie: A child- and movement-friendly city, Melissa & Chris Bruntlett (Engels gesproken)

Antwerp continues to commit itself to being a child- and movement-friendly city. This involves a focus on, among other things, slow paths, utilizing movement scans, and working with play framework plans. This cycling excursion takes you to some inspiring public spaces in Antwerp. A diverse collection of streets, squares, slow paths, and play and sports areas. We explore how the city of Antwerp encourages its residents to actively use public spaces to work on their health and mental well-being. Guest speakers Melissa and Chris Bruntlett join the journey and will prove insights based on their expertise and experience. Organizer: City of Antwerp. (Maximum 18 deelnemers voor deze excursie.)
Sessie 11:00 - 11:40 Elisabethzaal

The Human Case for Fewer Cars in our Lives (Engels gesproken)

In the planning field, little attention is given to the effects that a “low-car” city can have on the human experience at a psychological and sociological level. Studies are beginning to surface that indicate the impact that car dominant space can have on our stress and anxiety levels, as well as how the systematic dismantling of freedom and autonomy for children and the elderly to travel through their cities is causing isolation and dependency. How can investments in improving the built environment improve the human experience, contributing to more inclusive cities regardless of age, gender, physical ability, or economic means? Melissa and Chris Bruntlett identify the benefits made possible by thoughtfully curbing traffic, resulting in a city that is: child-friendly, connected, trusting, feminist, quiet, therapeutic, accessible, prosperous, resilient, and age-friendly.